Marketing Architects: TV Advertising Blog

Podcast: Angela Voss Joins Marketing Today To Discuss A Better Way to Do TV

Written by The Marketing Architects Team | 10/31/23 4:50 PM

CEO Angela Voss joined Alan Hart on Marketing Today, a podcast going behind the scenes with top marketing and business leaders for their greatest marketing strategies and advice, to discuss how modern marketers should think about TV advertising.

In the episode, Alan and Angela review how TV advertising has changed in recent years, what types of companies should use it to drive growth, and how Marketing Architects has implemented AI to solve common media buying challenges.

Then the two review Marketing Architects’ report “Reach, Revenue, and ROI: 3 Factors for Effective TV Advertising.” Based on research driven by client data and case studies, the report outlines several key strategies for effective TV advertising, such as prioritizing reach over tight targeting, reducing media costs, and balancing driving sales with building awareness.

Listen in to learn why TV advertising matters in the digital age and how to set up campaigns for lasting success.