Are your marketing metrics lying to you?

This newsletter comes from the hosts of The Marketing Architects, a research-first show answering your biggest marketing questions. Find us on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen to podcas...

The Marketing Architects Team

The Marketing Architects Team

Curated by our leaders, creatives, analysts, designers, media buyers and more at Marketing Architects.

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Watch: How to Transform Your Linear and CTV Campaigns for Max ROI

“Any marketer who considers walking away from TV advertising would be crazy to do so.”

Podcast: Angela Voss Talks the Power of TV with The Sleeping Barber

Marketing Architects CEO Angela Voss recently appeared on The Sleeping Barber podcast to talk about ...

Webinar: Everything Wrong with TV Measurement

Only 37% of TV advertisers say they’re very confident in their TV measurement. Half say that difficu...

Everything Wrong with TV Measurement: The Attribution Playbook for TV Advertisers

TV advertising’s been around since the 1940s. It’s one of the most iconic and visible forms of marke...

Watch: How to Build ROI-Positive TV Campaigns

TV advertising is one of the most powerful marketing channels for business transformation and growth...

How to Boost TV Performance With QR Codes: Original QR Code Research

It was 2020. With a global pandemic pushing people toward contactless interactions whenever possible...

Podcast: Angela Voss Talks Industry Transformation on Adweek's Marketing Vanguard

Marketing Architects CEO Angela Voss joins Jenny Rooney, Chief Experience Officer at Adweek, on the ...

Podcast: Angela Voss Joins Marketing Today To Discuss A Better Way to Do TV

CEO Angela Voss joined Alan Hart on Marketing Today, a podcast going behind the scenes with top mark...

Webinar: 3 Reasons to Shake Up Your CTV Strategy

Ad-supported viewership on CTV is growing, and so are the opportunities for marketers. Still, despit...

Why Your Streaming TV Strategy Might Be Failing, And How to Fix It

Each year, streaming claims a larger portion of TV viewership. Today, 4 in 5 US households have a vi...

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