Marketing Architects: TV Advertising Blog

Podcast: Angela Voss Talks Industry Transformation on Adweek's Marketing Vanguard

Written by The Marketing Architects Team | 10/31/23 4:53 PM

Marketing Architects CEO Angela Voss joins Jenny Rooney, Chief Experience Officer at Adweek, on the Marketing Vanguard podcast to talk about collaboration, problem-solving, and how she’s seen the advertising industry change. 

Angela and Jenny start the episode by discussing Angela’s background, from her college days studying mass communications to beginning her career in digital advertising to discovering her love for TV. This love for TV only grew after joining Marketing Architects, an All-Inclusive TV agency. There, she leads the team in providing a unique, cost-effective solution for performance-driven TV advertisers like, an online retailer that successfully drove new customers through TV. 

Next, they shift the conversation to Angela’s perspective on decision-making, collaboration, and leadership. Listen in to learn about the role TV can play in driving business growth and how to approach leading teams through a changing marketing landscape.