Marketing Architects: TV Advertising Blog

B2B Marketing: How TV Advertising Can Power Business Growth for B2B

Written by The Marketing Architects Team | 6/6/23 1:14 PM

B2B marketing is changing, and it will never be the same. B2B marketing used to be simple. Well, simpler. Trade shows, white papers and sales emails ensured connections with the audiences who mattered most to your business. Sales pitched product features and price.  

But we’re now in the middle of a revolution. B2B buying behavior is changing. Which means B2B marketing practices must change right along with it. In this report, we’re reviewing the most meaningful shifts in B2B in the last several years, plus how marketers can respond by using TV advertising to set up their businesses for continued and lasting success. 

This report includes:

  1. A review of emerging trends in B2B buying behavior and marketing best practices, including emotion's role in marketing and how brand-building can be a differentiator for B2B companies.

  2. Explanation of how TV advertising solves many emerging B2B challenges through its reach, brand-building power, and impact on other marketing channels, including digital ads.

  3. TV advertising's results for other B2B companies, including an average ROAS of 7.25 and an average revenue increase of 17.5% after their first year on TV.


Get the report.