Marketing Architects: TV Advertising Blog

Quick Chronicles— Stories from Rapid Response TV: Filters Fast

Written by Marin Suska | 4/9/20 11:50 AM

COVID-19 demands have created a temporary chink in Amazon’s armor, and some DTC brands are taking notice. 

On Tuesday, Marth 17th, Amazon announced they were prioritizing essential items and pausing shipments of non-essential items to its warehouse in response to historic levels of demand due to COVID-19.

For many DTC brands, the conglomerate’s break in their usual customer service revealed an opportunity to reach and make connections with new consumers who previously depended on Amazon for most of their purchases, if they could act fast. 


Filters Fast is one of the DTC brands that accepted the challenge.  

Due to Amazon’s delay, Filters Fast, the number 1 filtration supplier in the US, was able to fulfill a high demand for filtration products and deliver them straight to customers’ doorsteps. They responded quickly, ensuring they could run a tight ship and keep their manufacturing and distribution centers safely operating while putting the health of their employees first.   

Now, they needed to let consumers know they were there for them, and fast. 

TV was the perfect channel to reach new and existing customers on a massive scale. And video was the right way to share an updated message that would resonate with people and what they are experiencing right now. So, Dee Ray, Filters Fast Chief Brand Officer, gave us a call.   

There were some immediate obstacles to address. Their 30-second control creative featured Filters Fast’s hero product, fridge filters, but they had more product offerings they knew consumers needed right now, including air filters and purifiers. We needed to adjust messaging to fit their new business needs and get them on-air, and fast.   


Test-driving Rapid Response TV, we went from initial conversation to a finished spot in just 5 days.   

How? Our creative team adjusted the last 15 seconds of their spot, animating a visual that featured all their filter options, not just fridge filters. And, the last 10 seconds of the spot now features a new graphic element: a box being delivered on someone’s front porch. A new voice-over completed the updated message, and we were ready to roll.  

The Filters Fast team worked together with ours to accomplish this quick turnaround. And now they are back on air. They are sharing a new message with customers, capitalizing on historic media audience gains and efficiencies, and delivering necessary products straight to our homes.   

COVID-19 is accelerating company innovation as we all adapt to working remotely and staying connected to our customers in modern ways.   

In these challenging times, consumers want to hear from brands. Today, they are hearing again from Filters Fast.


Check out their new commercial below.  



Learn more about getting on-air quickly.

This is a blog post in our Quick Chronicles series, which features how our clients are using TV to respond to COVID-19 and serve their customersCheck out another installment here.