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How AI chatbots are changing TV advertising

Robots aren’t here for your job – they are here to make you better at your job. That’s the conclusion of a recent survey of 3,000 AI-aware executives conducted by the McKinsey Global Institute. According to a summary report:

“…early evidence suggests that there is a business case to be made [for adopting AI], and that AI can deliver real value to companies willing to use it across operations and within their core functions. In our survey, early AI adopters that combine strong digital capability with proactive strategies have higher profit margins and expect the performance gap with other firms to widen in the next three years.”

Not convinced you can afford to invest and implement AI into your marketing strategy? We beg to differ. Meet Abbot®.


Artificial Intelligence = Intelligent Marketing

When we created Abbot® the Autonomous Buying Bot, it was with a simple idea: create a text platform that would constantly improve conversion while helping you better understand your audience. Because the more you know about your audience, the better you can meet their needs – whether that means offering them the right product at the right time, or serving up content that keeps them engaged. Here are three ways Abbot® makes you smarter.

1) Testing

You know a/b testing is a great way to optimize your sales process – but running it can be labor intensive. Not anymore. Abbot® offers a perfectly controlled testing environment, allowing rapid a/b testing on a grand scale. You can test multiple offers simultaneously, create unique customer pathways, or boost conversion by honing the perfect creative. If you can dream it, Abbot® can test it, share the outcome instantly, and incorporate that learning to improve campaign performance.

2) Insights

Texting isn’t relegated to teenagers or personal conversations anymore. Companies take advantage of text because it’s where their customers live. Consumers embrace texting as a way of communicating with brands because it’s personal and immediate. This makes

it an ideal platform to gather feedback from your audience about your content, your product, and your competition. Our data scientists and copywriters will work with you to develop dialogue that elicits key insights for your business.

3) Real-time analysis

As your campaign goes on, Abbot® learns what your customers want. Abbot® optimizes your conversion strategy in real time. The more data he collects, the more accurately he can predict user actions, deliver the right content, or say the right thing. The data Abbot® collects is good for more than conversion. It can help you answer critical questions about customer drop-off, reveal market opportunities, and solve real business problems. Whether you need a quick status report or in-depth information, it’s all at your fingertips, updated in the moment.


Matt Hultgren
Matt Hultgren
Vice President, Analytics

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