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This newsletter comes from the hosts of The Marketing Architects, a research-first show answering your biggest marketing questions. Find us on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen to podcas...

GOVX Extends Its Mission on TV with Marketing Architects

GOVX launches a national TV campaign to connect military and first responder communities with discou...

Marketing Architects Builds Annika Audience™ For Unified TV Buying

AI engine finds the ideal mix of linear and Connected TV to improve TV advertisers’ reach and return...

Marketing Architects Reveals AI Pretesting Tool 'ScriptSooth'

TV agency Marketing Architects presents a new way to predict TV creative performance long before a c...

Marketing Architects Unveils 'Smart Targeting' to Improve CTV Performance

TV agency Marketing Architects introduces capabilities designed to cut costs and improve accuracy fo...

New Research From Marketing Architects Discovers TV Attribution Gaps

TV advertising agency Marketing Architects finds most TV advertisers are concerned about campaign at...

Trust & Will Helps You 'Make It Count' in New TV Campaign

Digital estate planning company Trust & Will launches a TV campaign with Marketing Architects ab...

Marketing Architects Launches Venture Incubator Misfits & Machines

TV agency Marketing Architects announces sister agency that’schallengingconventional thinking to fos...

Marketing Architects Unveils Streaming TV Platform for Performance Marketers

All-Inclusive TV advertising agency Marketing Architects introduces Annika Streaming, the first oppo...

Steve Babcock Joins Marketing Architects as Chief Creative Officer

Babcock brings two decades of advertising experience and creative expertise to All-Inclusive TV agen...

Quince Shares Affordable Luxury on National TV

Direct-to-consumer retailer Quince launches first national TV campaign with All-Inclusive TV agency ...

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