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This newsletter comes from the hosts of The Marketing Architects, a research-first show answering your biggest marketing questions. Find us on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen to podcas...

Everything Wrong with TV Measurement: The Attribution Playbook for TV Advertisers

TV advertising’s been around since the 1940s. It’s one of the most iconic and visible forms of marke...

Maximize Your Marketing with TV's Halo Effect

Your apparel company just launched its first TV campaign, and new customers driven by TV surge. That...

Webinar: Everything Wrong with TV Measurement

Only 37% of TV advertisers say they’re very confident in their TV measurement. Half say that difficu...

How To Accurately Measure CTV Campaign Results

The statement "I know half my advertising is working; I just don't know which half" takes on new sig...

How to Set Up a Measurable TV Campaign

You’re preparing to launch a TV campaign. You have an incredible commercial that highlights your bra...

How To Measure a TV Advertising Campaign's Effectiveness

After investing in a big marketing initiative like TV advertising, the most disappointing outcome is...

Streaming Data Is Advertisers' Best Asset... And Biggest Threat

Data is the most powerful tool available to marketers today, and there’s never been more of it. But ...

How To Design An Accountable TV Campaign

Marketing today is more closely tied to business growth than ever before. Businesses demand a direct...

5 Tips for Measuring TV Performance

Let’s not sugarcoat it: measuring TV advertising performance is tough. As much as we may wish otherw...

3 questions every marketer must ask to measure TV performance

Every year, CMOs are being asked to achieve bigger outcomes with smaller marketing budgets. They’re ...

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