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This newsletter comes from the hosts of The Marketing Architects, a research-first show answering your biggest marketing questions. Find us on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen to podcas...

It's Time For Marketers to Redefine 'TV' and Embrace its Complexity

As marketers, we follow where the consumers go. And right now, we have questions about how they’re e...

TV's Future Is Much More Than Connected: A Guide to TV Advertising's Next Golden Era

In many ways, TV has never been better. Time spent with the channel across linear and streaming is o...

Why CTV Is Evolving Beyond Walled Gardens

Five years ago, there were just 84 million AVOD viewers. Today, there are more than 180 million acco...

How to Target Your Audience on CTV

Advertisers are going big on Connected TV this year, dedicating 45% of their TV ad budgets to the ch...

How to Craft a Cost-Effective CTV Advertising Strategy

Today, 39% of total TV viewing time takes place on streaming TV. More than 4 in 5 US households have...

How Annika Buys Media For High-Performing TV Campaigns

For decades, TV media was bought the same way. Media buyers purchased ad slots based on broad demogr...

Why Your Streaming TV Strategy Might Be Failing, And How to Fix It

Each year, streaming claims a larger portion of TV viewership. Today, 4 in 5 US households have a vi...

How To Target Your Audience With TV Advertising

TV advertising is no stranger to misconceptions. Talk that no one watches TV or that it’s unmeasurab...

A Performance Marketer's Guide to Streaming TV in 2023

It's no surprise streaming has taken over the living room TV. (And all the other screens in your hom...

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