Are your marketing metrics lying to you?

This newsletter comes from the hosts of The Marketing Architects, a research-first show answering your biggest marketing questions. Find us on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen to podcas...

Catrina McAuliffe

Catrina McAuliffe

SVP Brand Strategy

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Why TV Advertising Still Rules Brand-Building

Quick—name the biggest brands you know. Coca-Cola. Apple. Amazon. Besides being massively famous, wh...

5 Trends Marketers Should Know About in 2023

72% of consumers say external pressures are affecting their lives more now than in the past. From in...

How To Rethink Copytesting for the Rise of Holistic Performance TV

Frustrated by slowing sales and conflicting digital results, performance marketers are experimenting...

How Does TV Advertising Build Trust?

When you need advice on something important, who do you seek out? It’s probably someone you know wel...

Why TV Advertising is Ecommerce’s Next Step

The rise of ecommerce has forever changed the way that customers shop and businesses operate. eMarke...

How to Rebuild Consumer Trust Through TV and Transparency

Just when it seemed 2020 couldn’t hold any more surprises, major brands hit pause on their Facebook ...

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