Marketing MVPs from 2024

This newsletter comes from the hosts of The Marketing Architects, a research-first show answering your biggest marketing questions. Find us on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen to podcas...
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Who's influencing your customers?

More than all other media combined, TV can build a lasting—and profitable—romance with consumers.

Decisions. They fill your waking hours and sometimes, even infiltrate your dreams. You make them both consciously and automatically. Which clothes to wear? Which route to drive? Where to eat lunch and at what time?

Behind every decision exist countless influences, starting with the profusion of messages you encounter daily. The average consumer is exposed to 10,000 brand ads every day. From sponsored posts embedded in your social media feed, to rotating digital billboards along the highways, to special offers in your email, brands vie constantly for a share of your attention.

For marketers, cutting through the clutter to produce meaningful results grows more challenging each year. 


Television outperforms other media platforms

Surprisingly, there’s one channel that remains far more powerful in its performance: television. Its influence—at all stages in the purchase cycle—is greater than all other media platforms combined.

Among consumers: 

Television generates stronger influence than advertising via websites, social media, email, newspapers, mail and outdoor platforms—combined.

Two-thirds report that TV ads influence their online searches.

Half of those who viewed an ad just three times took action within the brand. 

Why such strong impacts? Because unlike other marketing formats, television engages on multiple levels. First, with a combination of sights and sounds that appeal to two senses simultaneously. Second, by reaching individuals who are actively participating by watching their favorite shows. Third, by engaging viewers at an emotional level—a critical element in the science of decision-making.

From the first ad to the final sale, television can help you present a consistent and compelling experience for your brand. Follow these best practices to succeed at every stage.



Consumers buy from brands they know and trust. And just like on a first date, when your audience sees your product or service for the first time, you need to make a great first impression. When you’re new to TV—or your brand is new to the world—start wooing consumers with longer spots that give you time to share your story and engage emotionally.

Frequency helps, but it doesn’t need to break your budget. Replace the traditional “spray and pray” approach with targeted placements that focus on your core demographic. (After all, there’s no need to outspend your competition if you can outthink them.)



At this stage, consumers want to dive deeper and engage your brand via online and offline channels. Effective television spots will direct that energy to interactions that educate, entertain and ultimately, convert to sales. Your ads should give solid reasons to visit your website, phone your call center or visit your store. Testing will help identify the best calls to action (CTAs).

When your consumers reach out, automated social media tools like Abbot® can help you facilitate personalized, real-time conversations. Integrating your ad themes across other media, with targeted banner ads and social media campaigns, for example, will create multimedia content that delivers value and that romances your audience on all fronts. With this omnichannel approach, TV’s influence will lift response across the other channels.



Television continues its power of influence all the way through your consumer’s journey. TV ads designed for this phase can create a sense of urgency and compel your audience to buy—right now.

When it’s time to purchase, remember to make it easy. Drive traffic directly to your store, website or call center. With this strategy, you’ll avoid the Google tax and the distractions inherent in search engines.

End to end, television can make a measurable impact for your brand. By crafting a great consumer experience, you’ll build trust, satisfaction, loyalty—and of course, generate leads and sales.


Expand your influence.

Grow your share of voice—and your sales—with a targeted television campaign. Contact us to tailor your next broadcast ad to meet your brand’s goals.



Angela Voss
Angela Voss
Chief Client Officer

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