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2024 Marketing Predictions

Marketers are no stranger to change. Which is good news because while no one knows exactly what’ll happen next year, we can guarantee it’ll be a wild ride. Today, we’re sharing predictions for top marketing trends in 2024. 


8 in 10 marketing executives are exploring or using generative AI. 

According to Forrester, if you haven’t started integrating generative AI into your marketing creative processes, you’re already behind. They predict “experience with generative AI” will be written into 20% of new CMO job descriptions next year. 

AI, effectiveness, and a return to traditional channels take center stage.

We have three major predictions for marketing trends in 2024: 

1. Generative AI will completely transform how marketing functions. And the AI world is pretty volatile right now, so marketers will need to actively keep up with the constantly evolving technology. 

2. US marketers will increasingly prioritize marketing effectiveness principles. The popularity of effectiveness research is already growing in the US, with individuals and organizations like Fergus O'Carroll, the B2B Institute, and WARC leading the way.

3. The growth of effectiveness plus disillusionment with digital will drive a renaissance for traditional marketing channels like TV, radio, and print. Even linear TV ad spend is expected to grow next year. (Who would’ve guessed?) 

Listen in on our discussion. 

“CMOs Prioritize Practicality Over Purpose” 

This report from Forrester suggests B2C marketing leaders will focus more on practical marketing practices than purpose-led campaigns in 2024. It also predicts CMOs will lead the integration of AI into marketing functions to enhance creativity and operational efficiencies. Read the report.

The future is near. 

“Artificial intelligence, deep learning, machine learning—these things aren't just buzzwords. They are the future of how we interact with the world.”  

Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon

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