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The problem with fitting in

This week, we’re unpacking the concept of distinctive brand assets. What are they, how do they shape brand identity, and what makes them stick in consumers’ minds? 



Only 15% of brand assets are truly distinctive.     

That’s according to a study by market research firm Ipsos and global brand agency JKR that analyzed more than 5,000 brand assets. Plus, just 19% of logos achieve “gold” status in recognizability. 


Consistency vs creativity.    

Clearly there’s a problem with how we’re approaching distinctive assets if just 15% are meeting the mark. But is the problem a lack of originality in the creation of assets? Or a failure to consistently put ad dollars behind it? 

The study by Ipsos and JKR found the design of a logo wasn’t the biggest factor in whether an asset became distinctive. It was all about sustained use. The key to distinctive assets isn’t just about creativity. It’s about patience and media spend.  

It’s easy for a CMO to become bored with their brand’s assets faster than consumers do. CMOs see their brand assets every day and often enter their role being asked to make a major change. Assets are an easy item to put on the chopping block. 

But the most powerful brand assets, ones that are truly recognizable and memorable, have been around for years—and have benefitted from major ad dollars behind them. And according to YouGov, presenting a brand consistently across all platforms can increase revenue by a whopping 23%. So yes, consistency is crucial. Listen in on our discussion.

“Be Distinctive. Everywhere.”     

The study from JKR and Ipsos makes some startling revelations, including how 85% of marketing spend is allocated to non-distinctive brand assets. It reviews the success of various types of assets including logos, slogans, mascots, colors and more. Read the report.


Stand out, or else.    

“In a crowded marketplace, fitting in is failure. In a busy marketplace, not standing out is the same as being invisible.” 

—Seth Godin, author 


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