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Unlocking TV Advertising's Power: Insights from Peter Field

This newsletter comes from the hosts of The Marketing Architects, a research-first show answering your biggest marketing questions. Find us on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen to podcasts!


This week, we're diving into marketing effectiveness with the godfather of effectiveness himself, Peter Field. Peter shares insights on TV advertising, balancing short-term wins with long-term strategies, and the often-overlooked benefits of broad targeting. 



TV generates 13.8 seconds of attention for a 30-second ad.        

That’s compared to just 5.2 seconds for YouTube and 1.5 seconds for Facebook and Instagram ads. This finding from Lumen underscores TV’s ability to capture and hold consumer attention.  


Challenge your marketing assumptions.         

Peter Field’s evidence-based approach, rooted in decades of case study analysis, offers a contrarian perspective on what truly drives business results. Here are five key takeaways from our conversation. 

  1. TV's still one of the most powerful channels. Despite claims to the contrary, TV remains highly effective, delivering longer periods of active attention than digital ads and driving strong business outcomes.

  2. It's the long and short of it. The ideal budget allocation, on average, falls around 60% for long-term brand building and 40% for short-term performance marketing. But this can vary by industry and audience. The point is to invest in both and find the balance that works for you.

  3. Broad targeting has benefits. Targeting only those "in-market" misses the majority of potential buyers. Broad targeting can be more efficient in the long run and contribute to growing brand awareness and pricing power.

  4. Don’t sacrifice effectiveness for efficiency. While ROI is important, it shouldn't be the only metric you track. Focus on the scale of impact in the marketplace, not just efficiency.

  5. Strong brands perform better during economic shifts. Brand building allows for less price sensitivity and can lead to higher sustainable prices—a crucial factor in inflationary times. 

Listen in on our discussion.


“Marketers are too disinvested in TV advertising”        

This article by Chris Sutcliffe for MarketingWeek summarizes Peter Field's arguments for TV's ongoing effectiveness, its ability to capture attention, and why relying solely on digital for cheap impressions can be risky. Read the article.  



Great marketing is evidence-based marketing.                       

“Don't drink too much Kool-Aid. Don't believe everything you're told... Keep evidence-based, keep demanding to see the evidence, and read case studies." 

— Peter Field 



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