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A love story: direct response + mobile

Once, long ago, there was a highly effective marketing method that consistently delivered—it was called Direct Response Marketing (DRM). It allowed customers to take action from the comfort of their couches, pick up the phone (which was still attached to a cord) and order a product or service right there and then. Before DRM, advertisers had to depend on top-of-mind marketing, hoping that their customers would remember their brand when they did their shopping.   

Direct Response Marketing was a sexy young thing because it was so versatile and good at its job. It was used on TV, in the mail, on billboards… everywhere. It wasn’t just that it was good at capturing sales, it was also trackable, measurable and highly specific in both target and response.

As time went on, the media landscape changed and a fancy little platform arrived on the scene. Its name was mobile. Everybody loved mobile! It was so cute and little and it went everywhere with the customer. You could market via email, app or e-commerce sites and your customers could buy things ANYWHERE with an internet connection.

Then, DRM met mobile, and it was love at first sight.


Marketing Happily Ever After

The personalized engagement of DRM is amplified by mobile’s capabilities, by way of both technology and accessibility. Tools like SMS and chat function (in-app or browser based) allow for automated one-to-one engagement like never before.

Meet the love-child of DRM and mobile: Abbot™.

Our new AI-enabled chat bot Abbot is activated when your prospect texts a short code included in ad copy in radio, TV, web or print. “Text START to 81855 to get started.”

Next, Abbot sends a link to your prospect via text. Clicking on the link sets the conversion in motion.

Abbot collects demographic information. Abbot will use that information to serve up custom content—in addition to your offer.

When they accept the offer, you’ve captured a lead or sale.  

As Abbot collects information and converts customers, his artificial intelligence kicks in, tweaking the algorithm to improve sales and conversions over time. The longer Abbot works, the smarter he gets and the more effective your campaign becomes.


Matt Hultgren
Matt Hultgren
Vice President, Analytics

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