The science of marketing with Byron Sharp

This newsletter comes from the hosts of The Marketing Architects, a research-first show answering your biggest marketing questions. Find us on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen to podcas...

The MA Team

The MA Team

Recent Posts:

Breaking the digital doom loop

Today, we’re unpacking the dangers of a digital-only marketing strategy. Of course, we know moving b...

Why it’s better to cast a wide net

At the heart of this issue is a question that’s divided marketers for ages—what truly drives busines...

The state of marketing research

This week on the podcast, we had the pleasure of chatting with Dr. Mitch Olsen, a marketing professo...

MMM’s making a comeback

Today we’re diving into the resurgence of media mix modeling (MMM). With privacy concerns shaking up...

Marketing Architects Launches Venture Incubator Misfits & Machines

TV agency Marketing Architects announces sister agency that’schallengingconventional thinking to fos...

How Salesforce thinks about brand marketing

This week on the podcast, we spoke with Colin Fleming, EVP Global Marketing at Salesforce about the ...

The problem with fitting in

This week, we’re unpacking the concept of distinctive brand assets. What are they, how do they shape...

How to Set Up a Measurable TV Campaign

You’re preparing to launch a TV campaign. You have an incredible commercial that highlights your bra...

How Annika Buys Media For High-Performing TV Campaigns

For decades, TV media was bought the same way. Media buyers purchased ad slots based on broad demogr...

Brand is more than a buzzword

This week, we reshared a favorite podcast episode from our archives that’s all about brand awareness...

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Whether or not you have a role in the durable medical equipment (DME) industry, the question begs to be a...

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