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Marketing Architects creates #1 cane brand, then sells it off

Aug. 25 marked the sale of Marketing Architect’s HurryCane, the No. 1 selling cane in America. Drive Medical, the New York-based durable medical equipment (DME) manufacturer that acquired the product rights has big plans for HurryCane.

As reported in the Minneapolis Star Tribune, “Drive will distribute it internationally and more broadly than it is today,” said Marketing Architects CEO Chuck Hengel. “Our team took on the challenge of reinventing the traditional walking cane, and over the past three years, we’ve been gratified to see it improve so many lives across the United States. Drive Medical can bring this life-changing device to people on a global scale.”

Marketing Architects is happy to announce that we will be working with Drive to continue telling the HurryCane story through direct response marketing campaigns for the next several years.

“We’re excited about the impact the HurryCane brand will have on our existing product portfolio,” CEO Harvey Diamond of Drive Medical said in a prepared statement, as reported in Star Tribune. “We recognized the ability of Marketing Architects to effectively brand and market HurryCane and the potential our partnership with them will have on our existing product lines.”

To read more about the HurryCane sale, check out the Star Tribune HurryCane article.

Rob DeMars
Rob DeMars
Chief Creative Officer

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