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Watch: How to Transform Your Linear and CTV Campaigns for Max ROI

“Any marketer who considers walking away from TV advertising would be crazy to do so.” 

That’s a quote from marketing effectiveness author Peter Field. It’s a big statement but one that serves as a reminder that TV advertising is still the most effective marketing channel. It's also one of the largest channels, with advertisers investing $60 billion in linear TV and $25 billion in Connected TV in 2023 alone.  

But TV is also complex, time-consuming, and expensive, especially for brands who demand an immediate return from their ad spend. (Yes, we’re talking about ROI).  

This breakout session at the 2024 CommerceNext Growth Show featuring Marketing Architects CEO Angela Voss and Nuts.com CEO PJ Oleksak explores effective strategies for lowering costs, increasing ROI, and measuring the value of TV for your linear and streaming TV campaigns. 

Watch to learn: 

  1. Why TV advertising is just as relevant today as it was a decade ago. 

  2. How to capture efficient reach on TV through technology and careful media strategy. 

  3. Why brand and sales go hand in hand when advertising on TV. 

  4. How Nuts.com used TV to grow new customers and build brand awareness. 

  5. What accurate TV attribution practices look like from the planning stages to post-campaign evaluations. 


The Marketing Architects Team
The Marketing Architects Team
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