Marketing MVPs from 2024

This newsletter comes from the hosts of The Marketing Architects, a research-first show answering your biggest marketing questions. Find us on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen to podcas...

How Performance Should Inform Your TV Campaign

When it comes to marketing, do what works.

5 Books That Will Persuade You to Launch TV

In today’s digital-centric media landscape, TV advertising is often pushed to the side as social, di...

How To Design An Accountable TV Campaign

Marketing today is more closely tied to business growth than ever before. Businesses demand a direct...

Marketing Architects Steps Forward in Automated Media Buying

All-Inclusive TV advertising leader improves media buying efficiencies through an automated solution...

3 Types of Businesses That Should Be on TV

Not every business should advertise on TV, but several types tend to overlook the channel in their s...

5 Tips for Measuring TV Performance

Let’s not sugarcoat it: measuring TV advertising performance is tough. As much as we may wish otherw...

Rethinking the Power of TV Advertising

What if I told you there is a marketing channel that’s revolutionizing advertising as we know it? An...

How data privacy laws should affect your marketing plan

As much as the recent media attention and expanding legislation may imply otherwise, data privacy is...

Patriot Software Turns to TV to Reach American Business Owners

Accounting and payroll software company partners with Marketing Architects for national television p...

Driving your TV Campaign with 1st Party Data

No advertiser hopes to overlook customers. No brand wants to misidentify their audience. So why, whe...

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