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This newsletter comes from the hosts of The Marketing Architects, a research-first show answering your biggest marketing questions. Find us on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen to podcas...

Webinar: Perfecting Your Streaming Strategy

Streaming TV is an emerging marketplace. Which means it's complicated.

Marketing Architects Steps Forward in Automated Media Buying

All-Inclusive TV advertising leader improves media buying efficiencies through an automated solution...

Patriot Software Turns to TV to Reach American Business Owners

Accounting and payroll software company partners with Marketing Architects for national television p...

Adorama Launches Holiday TV Campaign with Marketing Architects

Full-service destination for photo, video and electronics went from concept to on-air in one month b...

CarParts.com Delivers to America Through Rapid Response TV

Ecommerce auto parts retailer launches national TV campaign fast with Marketing Architects.

Nuts.com Responds to Demand for Delivery with TV Advertising

Pantry brand develops and launches TV campaign in one week by partnering with Marketing Architects.

Quick Chronicles— Stories from Rapid Response TV: 1-800-HANSONS

After weeks of high-speed business challenges and change due to COVID-19, there is one trend we can ...

Quick Chronicles— Stories from Rapid Response TV: Bosley

When COVID-19 hit the United States, our partner Bosley, The World’s Most Experienced Hair Restorati...

Quick Chronicles— Stories from Rapid Response TV: Filters Fast

COVID-19 demands have created a temporary chink in Amazon’s armor, and some DTC brands are taking no...

Love Your Melon brand launches national TV ad campaign

Minneapolis-based apparel brand dedicated to supporting the fight against pediatric cancer partners ...

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