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This newsletter comes from the hosts of The Marketing Architects, a research-first show answering your biggest marketing questions. Find us on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen to podcas...

Shopkick launches TV campaign with agency Marketing Architects

MINNEAPOLIS (October 1, 2019) – Shopkick, a leading shopping rewards app, makes its national televis...

Simple Habit Teams with Marketing Architects for TV Campaign

5-minute meditation app for busy people launches its first national TV campaign.

Marketing Architects hires Ron Blevins as VP of Media

Blevins brings experience and expertise to expand Marketing Architects’ media platform

TV Campaign Helps Touch of Modern Reach Major Milestone

VAB National Commercial Showcases Marketing Architects Ecommerce Client

Touch of Modern launches TV campaign

Touch of Modern Partners with Marketing Architects to Launch New National TV Campaign

Meet the Minneapolis shop behind the HurryCane

Drive Medical, a New York medical equipment manufacturer, is the new owner of HurryCane, the No. 1 s...

Marketing Architects creates #1 cane brand, then sells it off

Aug. 25 marked the sale of Marketing Architect’s HurryCane, the No. 1 selling cane in America. Drive...

Media fascinated with ad agency-turned-product developer

It’s not often you find a performance marketing ad agency that knows how to market a product AND con...

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